Tuesday 6 March 2012


Thank goodness we were blessed with decent weather yesterday after what must have been the worst Sunday weather of the year so far. All our hard work emptying the pond on Saturday had to be done again, a surprising amount of water had collected due to the rain and sleet but at least it had the advantage of being clean this time! The sun soon helped to dry it out and we were able to coat the sides with a rubber based solution which should fill in the cracks and allow some flexibility, hopefully preventing any more leaks. We spent the rest of the day pruning the shrub and bush roses in various locations around the garden, a pleasant task in the warm spring sunshine that also gave us time to admire the early blossom bursting forth. If we were able to spare five minutes from our labours to sit and admire, it would have to be spent in the peach house where the temperature is balmy and the fragrance sweet.

"Merrily, merrily shall I live now, under the blossom that hangs on the bough" William Shakespeare.


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