Tuesday 27 March 2012

One Woman Went To Mow

What a scorcher it was yesterday, but only after a pretty cold start with most people having to scrape ice off their cars for the journey to work. I took another picture from the top deck of the bus as the sunrise was so spectacular for March. When we got to NC Alison showed me her handy work from the last two days when I was absent, I think the sweet pea frame is a work of art, almost too good to cover with foliage. Before lunch we weeded and re-stocked the peach-house border with Giles quizzing me on my Latin names for the weeds, I've got to be on my toes at all times! There was no hiding later either as the mowing needed doing again and I'm still a bit apprehensive about driving the tractor, but I'm pleased to say I think I've cracked it now and with a little more patient instruction I took off and managed to mow the whole garden and the car park with even a little reversing!

"Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind deeds are the fruits, take care of your garden and keep out the weeds, fill it with sunshine , kind words and kind deeds" Henry W Longfellow


Lovely photos, Alipie.

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