Monday 25 April 2011

Same Family?

Monday 25th April 2011

It is now hard to keep up with the growth in the garden, the weather continues fine and with a little help from me and the hose pipe the plants are romping away. All the herbs have now germinated and the summer bulbs are quickly pushing fat buds towards towards the unseasonally blue sky.
Amongst the most vigorous of new-borns are the courgettes, they seem to be hungry as soon as the first leaves appear and they look it too!

Rescued yet another of Chummy's "prunings" this morning, three or four stems of Agastache that he had thoughtfully thinned out, I've stuck them in some water in the hope that they might grow some roots. Optimism is the best quality in a gardener!

"Viewed narrowly, all life is universal hunger and the expression of energy associated with it"
Mary Ritter Beard


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